Trainee and Newly Qualified Society

The Trainee and Newly Qualified Society, or TANQ, was set up with the threefold aim of:
raising the profile of the Royal Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow among new entrants to the legal profession;
providing a forum for education seminars particularly suited to the needs of trainee solicitors; and
providing an opportunity for trainees to meet with their peers to share experiences in a social setting.
Attending TANQ events is not only a great way to meet new people, network and hear about what's happening in law firms in and around Glasgow, but it is also a good opportunity to increase your knowledge and understanding of different areas of law. If you are starting your legal career, TANQ is an invaluable way to learn from other people's experiences and to make contacts that may help you in the future - and it's free!
We aim to put on 5 or 6 education seminars per year as well as several social events. The seminars generally qualify for one hour of TCPD time (for trainees) or CPD time (for newly qualified solicitors). The Royal Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow is certified by the Law Society as an external provider of TCPD.
Events are free to attend for all trainees and newly qualified solicitors (up to 2 years qualified) regardless of whether their firms are members of the Royal Faculty, law students and those completing their Diploma in Legal Practice are also most welcome to attend events.
There is a charge of £20 for solicitors over 2 years PQE who wish to attend TANQ events.
Committee Members
Committee Members are -
President - Annie Hwang, Digby Brown
Scott Briggs, Lindays
Evie Campbell, Lindsays
Nadia Cook, Harper Macleod
Lucy Hennessy, Thorntons
Michael Higgins, Lindsays
Cameron Irons, Levy & MacRae
Alan Ritchie, Brodies
Daniel Leyden, Dallas McMillan
If you would like to contact members of the TANQ Committee please send an email to