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Annual General Meeting 2024

Updated: May 27, 2024

Meeting held in the Faculty Hall and Online on 23rd May 2024

The RFPG's AGM for 2024 was held last night, with all members invited to attend and have their voices heard.

Proceedings commenced with the Dean referencing his written report, but highlighting 3 specific words that came to mind during its drafting -

  • Collegiality - working with fellow professionals for the good of the profession and the community has been thoroughly fulfilling;

  • Enjoyability - the sociable side of the Faculty which he was keen to continue to to develop; and

  • Gravitas - a realisation of the importance of the role that the Dean and Council carry out within the profession and the City.

Finally, he drew attention to the refurbishment of the building and expressed the hope that it would reflect the ambitions which the membership had for the Faculty and that it would be both a professional and social hub.

Election of new Council Members

The RFPG would like to welcome three new members elected to council. Khalda Wali (LKW Solicitors), Samantha Miller (Lindsays) and Filip Angelov (Angelov Solicitors) were all successfully elected to Council, and look forward to working with our membership to continue to help deliver an excellent experience for all.

Everyone at the RFPG would also like to thank Ahsan Mustafa (Nolans Solicitors) and Paul Neilly (Mitchells Roberton) who depart the council after years of dedicated service.

Derick Williamson Elected as Honorary Member

Our longest serving current Council Member was awarded an Honorary Membership last night. The Dean noted it had been a great pleasure to have served on Council alongside Derick Williamson, who had been a tremendous support to the Faculty over the years.


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