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CPD Events
The Royal Faculty's CPD education programme has long been highly regarded as providing excellent training and education at a reasonable price. We will continue to strive to ensure that our seminars remain topical and relevant to legal practitioners and would welcome feedback on any aspect of the education programme. If you have any comments you would like to share or suggested topics for future webinars and conferences please email us.
Upcoming Events
- Mon, 10 MarGlasgowImprove your advocacy skills with the Royal Faculty's advocacy course - designed to provide an opportunity for young lawyers to gain experience in advocacy and prepare court lawyers for appearance in court.
- Wed, 26 MarGlasgowThe Tenement (Scotland) Act 2004 has now been in force for 20 years. In his talk, Ewen will review what has been learned and areas which are still proving problematic when trying to apply the act. He will also briefly consider the Scottish Law Commission’s current project on whether compulsory own
- Tue, 08 AprGlasgow"The work of an Immigration Lawyer," will provide a review of the various aspects of UK immigration law and professional practice from Judge Darren Stevenson
- Wed, 09 AprOnline Via ZoomA webinar on Debt Recovery from Stephen Cowan, author of “Scottish Debt Recovery: A Practical Guide”
- Thu, 10 AprGlasgowFergus Whyte considers certain contentious areas of trusts and estates.
- Thu, 24 AprGlasgowAll are welcome to the Royal Faculty for an exhibition, concert and evening of good company to celebrate the creative talents of Scotland's Lawyers. Raising money for a worthwhile cause.
- Wed, 14 MayGlasgowEmployment Judge Hoey will deliver a practical session aimed at identifying key pitfalls in Tribunal advocacy and in providing guidance as to how best to present a case before the Tribunal, including dealing with preliminary issues, the overriding objective, reasonable adjustments, dealing with exam
- Thu, 12 JunGlasgowSpecialists from Wbg will provide an overview of personal and corporate insolvency in Scotland. They will cover the different types of personal and corporate insolvency processes and what happens when a deceased person’s estate is insolvent.
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