Royal Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow
Incorporated prior to 1668 and continuing to serve the needs of the legal profession in Glasgow and West Central Scotland.
About the Library
The Royal Faculty is a professional Society for lawyers in and around Glasgow. It is a collegiate body which represents the interests of its members and also provides a range of services to members. One of the chief benefits of membership is access to one of the most comprehensive law libraries in Scotland housed in the Royal Faculty building at 12 Nelson Mandela Place.
CPD Events
The RFPG runs a series of highly regarded CPD seminars throughout the year with contributions from senior members of the legal profession. These generally take the form of evening seminars; half-day conferences which provide more in-depth analysis of topics and; over the last year, the RFPG has also begun recording seminars to make these available over the internet.
Who We Are
The Royal Faculty of Procurators has served the needs of the legal profession in Glasgow for over 350 years and has been a feature of Glasgow life and society for all this time, providing members with access to a large law library with significant holdings, a well-regarded CPD education programme for legal professionals and law students, the services of an auditor and an iconic venue in the city centre for a wide range of events. The Royal Faculty also operates a number of charitable funds for a variety of purposes.
Contact Us
Opening Times
Mon to Thurs - 9am - 7.15pm
Fri - 9am - 5pm
Sat - Closed
Sun - Closed